Yogyakarta - Prambanan and Borobudur

The photos in this blog is from two trips separated by six months (-: One in Jan 2013 and other in August 2013. As it is famously called, the cultural capital of Asia, it lives to its title. Constant eruptions of nearby Merapi volcano and earthquakes often threaten its existence but Yogyakarta has stood the test of time till now. But then, as much as Mount Merapi threatens its existence, as much it ha given to this place. The fertile land, the volcanic rocks of Borobudur and Prambanan and the volcanos themselves! It is best to visit Borobudur in morning for sun rise and it is better to visit Prambanan for sun set. Ramayana ballet is also in evening at Prambanan, hence an evening visit saves an effort of coming twice. Please check the ballet calendar before planning a trip as it is not on everyday. Best months to visit would be from April to September, when it rains very little. Following goes the things one can do in Yogjakarta. 1. Borobudur A 9th ...